Christmas 2022: Why Do People Say Merry Christmas and Not Happy Christmas? History and Origin

MERRY CHRISTMAS 2022: ‘Tis the season of happiness and celebrations. The year-end festivities kickstart on December 24, with people decorating their homes, preparing delicious platters and attending parties. December 25 marks the birth of Jesus Christ and is celebrated all over the world with utmost pomp and fervor. As the day nears, poeple start greeting each other with the phrase “Merry Christmas”. But have you ever wondered why we say “Merry” instead of “Happy”?

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Christmas 2022: Why Do People Say Merry Christmas and Not Happy Christmas? History and Origin Christmas 2022: Why Do People Say Merry Christmas and Not Happy Christmas? History and Origin Reviewed by Team Exprssnews on December 19, 2022 Rating: 5

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